Terms of Service
Centelon Confidential: Candidate Non-Disclosure Agreement & Consent to Interview Process
To evaluate a potential employment opportunity (the “Purpose”), Centelon Group or Centelon Solutions, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Centelon”), and the individual identified below agree as follows:
- This agreement takes effect upon your application for any Centelon employment opportunity via any channel or media.
- Centelon may share confidential information (“Confidential Information”) related to the Purpose. The Recipient must use reasonable care to protect it and may only use it for the Purpose.
- Confidential Information excludes information that:
- (a) was known to the Recipient without restriction before disclosure;
(b) becomes public through no fault of the Recipient;
(c) is lawfully received from a third party without a confidentiality obligation; or
(d) is independently developed by the Recipient. - The Recipient may disclose Confidential Information if required by law, with prior notice to Centelon unless prohibited by a court.
- The Recipient agrees to participate in audio/video interviews with Centelon and its customers and will not record interviews or disclose questions to third parties.
- Either party may terminate this agreement with 30 days’ written notice, but obligations regarding previously disclosed Confidential Information remain.
- Unless otherwise agreed, the Recipient’s duty to protect Confidential Information expires five years after disclosure.
- This agreement does not obligate either party to proceed with discussions or enter into any further agreements.
- The Recipient gains no intellectual property rights beyond those needed to use the confidential information for the purpose.
- This agreement does not establish employment, agency, or partnership.
- This agreement is the complete understanding between the parties, superseding prior agreements. Amendments must be in writing. Failure to enforce any provision is not a waiver. The agreement is governed by the laws of India (for employees in India) or the respective country, with jurisdiction in the relevant courts.