
End-to-end origination system for Alternative Investments

Finnate Alternative Investments – Originate helps you manages & automates deals, due diligence, data and decisions for your alternative investment deals.



Create deals for multiple asset classes using pre-configured modules – choose a workflow that best suits you!

Automated Data Capture

Automate and extend your data capture with data models suited to your asset classes – even from your Excel documents!

Due Diligence

Drive due diligence with metrics based on asset class and instrument, automated ratio calculation, and configurable scorecard.

Flexible Deal Structuring

Structure your deals for multiple instruments, condition precedent, condition subsequent, covenants, cash flow, and fees.

Document Lifecycle Management

Generate and manage documents throughout their usage lifecycle.

Real-time IC Note Generation

Real-time Investment Committee (IC) note generation from data sources across various scenarios, financial ratios and policy compliances.

Role-based Access Control

Improve quality control and compliance management, with role-based user hierarchies allowing the right level of access to the right people in your organisation.

All the Salesforce Goodness

Built on the Salesforce Platform, so you get all the ins and outs of Salesforce along with your origination components.

Originate is a component of our flagship platform, Finnate. You can use just Originate, the entire platform, or a combination of Finnate components that work best for you!

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when it suits you.

zero obligation.

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